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  In 2014, “Magic” had a vision to host a House Music Festival to the Union County community.  He approached the Mayor of Roselle who was already familiar with Magic's Royal Production and his premier events.


The idea to host the first House Music Festival in Roselle, NJ gained the immediate support of the Mayor Holley of Roselle, Roselle Borough Township and Union County Freeholders.  This was also the first house music festival in Union County, New Jersey. 


“Magic’s Royal Production House Music Festival” is held in July.  It began as a 1-day event.  It was so well received by the community and the state of New Jersey that in 2015 it expanded into a 2-day event (11am-10pm). 

Magic's Royal Production House Music Festival has also made a contribution to surrounding communities.  It has provided an opportunity for entrepreneurs and small  business owners to be vendors amongst a vendor's Marketplace where they have a consumer base of tens of thousands of people in attendance. Small business owners can network and market their goods and services (food, clothing, jewelery, crafts, art, face painting, etc).  


This is a family-friendly environment where year after year families gather for the full day "picnic style".  It's common practice for people to arrive as early as 8am setting up their tents and chairs and remaining until the event ends at 10pm.  You will find families gathering whose family line extends 3 and 4 generations enjoying this 2-day event together.  

In 2017 Magic's Royal Production House Music Festival broke a record with an average of 0ver 23,000 people in attendance each day.  This is more than a festival but has become a premier House Music event.  
The Magic's Royal Production House Music Festival held in Roselle, NJ is a highly anticipated event for the summer in New Jersey attracting house music lovers and festival lovers from various states along the east coast.  Media coverage has referred Magic's Royal Production House Music Festival as being a premier festival where the DJ lineup is guaranteed to keep music lovers engaged on the dance floor and only taking breaks to enjoy the vendors along the marketplace, the great cusine, mixing mingling and making new friends.  
Magic's Royal Production BangOut series was initially a highly anticipated winter event.  Magic would host a non-stop 12-hour dance party from 3pm on a Saturday that would go until 3am Sunday.
For the House Music Community this was a first for New Jersey.  The news spread along the east coast and brings house music partygoers to New Jersey every year.
In 2017 Magic's Royal Production not only had a record breaking outdoor music festival but the winter BangOut 10 broke a record as well.  
There were over 900 guests who came to the BangOut 10.  Guests were calling for tickets and traveling from as far as Illinois and North Carolina to be a part of yet another BangOut experience.  Many arrived when the doors opened at 3pm Saturday and partied until the party ended 3am on Sunday.
Magic is committed to selecting DJs that will give the crowd what he calls a "BangOut" Experience. He makes a connection with DJs who can make a connection with the dancers, who play for the dancers, who are committed to giving the dancers a Mind, Body, Soul experience.
Another theme that you will find associated with Magic's Royal Production BangOut events is "Pain, Sweat and Tears".  Each BangOut event Magic envisions his crowd and designs Magic's Royal Production t-shirts to express the experience that he intends to create for them.  
Magic's t-shirts can be found with sayings such as "Sometimes I Hurt Because I Dance, Other Times I Dance Because I Hurt"; We Dance To Express The Way We Feel Inside"; "Dance Is Not An Option, It's Who I Am"; "We Dance".  Magic's Royal Productions shirts are worn throughout New Jersey and Beyond. 
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